Sunday, June 13, 2010

Being a Servant to Your Siblings

Q. My siblings are annoying! They are so needy. I hate being the oldest in my family. How can you stand being the oldest and a teenager in such a large family?

A. I hear this question often, and even though it’s a common question, the attitude behind it needs to be discussed.

Without siblings, you would be lonely, life would be dull, you’d miss out on close relationships that last a lifetime and your heavenly reward would be lost!

Think for a moment what it would be like if it was just you in your family. No more Johnny or Suzie, but just you. No more socks to put on. No more shoelaces to tie. No more messes to clean up. No more sharing your food. No more cuddles. No more kisses. No more laughs or giggles. No more tiny fingers and toes. No more chances to show them who Jesus is through you!

Matthew 23:11-12 says, “The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

If you want to be the greatest (and who doesn’t?!) you must first be a servant. We are showing characteristics of servant hood when taking care of our siblings’ needs. Through our service to our brothers and sisters we are being humbled, and God will exalt us later on!

Jesus came to earth for us, making Himself nothing, “taking the very nature of a servant.” [Philippians 2:7] Jesus was a servant and a leader. He was a leader by showing His miraculous powers. And by serving others, He was exalting His Father God. Shouldn’t we, too, be like Jesus? Let us not forget that we are serving Jesus WHEN we are serving our brothers and sisters.

Are you “taking the very nature of a servant,” as Jesus did? Are you humbling yourself through serving your siblings?I thank God that He blessed me with seven wonderful siblings, so far. Even though there are tough times, I know that my siblings will always be there for me, and I for them, all through our lives. How great it is to know that we will always be best friends because I chose to humble myself and become a servant to them!

~ Annalise

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