Thursday, September 30, 2010

Exciting News!!!!!!!

I have some exciting news to share today! My siblings and I are having a new sister and her name is Eva Caroline! On Tuesday my parents went to the big ultrasound together while I stayed at home and babysat my four brothers and three sisters and helped them with their school. My mom came home and told us she already knew if we were having a girl or a boy, but we had to wait a whole evening to find out, because our daddy was at work.

Please keep my Mommy and our little Eva Caroline in your prayers every day. #9 will be a blessing to our family and we are all VERY excited. So far, we have a healthy Mom and a healthy little sister!

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Growing Ministry

Our ministry is growing and growing and growing! We are so thankful that we have more friends who are helping us, supporting us, praying for us, and helping us put baby items together to help moms through their pregnancy and afterwards. We have been going to the abortion mills for about four months now. We were able to help one mom with her baby who chose life. We were able to provide diapers, formula, clothes, and childcare for that precious baby!
God has blessed us with this ministry tremendously! I am overwhelmed with joy!

Here is a picture of little Victoria Lynn who was saved from abortion after her mom kept on coming 3 times and just could not do it:

Here she is! Is'nt she a beautiful princess?
