Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ministry at Abortion Clinics

My family has been going to an abortion mill for a while now and we will be going this coming Saturday. The abortionist that performs abortions there has been doing it for 10 years. Please join us in praying for him to repent and stop killing the babies. The women that go there either believe in lies or know that it's a baby, but just don't care or do not feel like raising another child. My family of 10 go there and try to hand out literature.

~ Annalise

1 comment:

  1. I pray that God will bless your ministry and I'll say a prayer for the Dr., the workers, and the patients that come to the abortion clinic. If just one baby is saved from death at the hand of the abortion dr. it will be well worth it.

    Happy Birthday to you as well!

