Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good-bye 2010, Hello 2011

Dear Followers,

I am sorry I have not been posting a lot on my blog. Things have just been crazy around here. Here are some amazing things that have been happening in 2010.

February, We celebrated my mom's birthday and buried our precious brother and son. My dad took my mom out to eat at a restaurant that she liked and brought her some flowers to my mom. It was just a simple and small funeral and we just had our pastor with his family over. We sang a song and buried Leve next to our other baby that my mom miscarried.

January, Ethan (brother) turned nine years old and we had so much fun celebrating him. He is growing up so fast and hopes to become by the will of God an engineer. He is so energetic, smart, handsome and the best brother ever. We are so thankful for him each day! Almost a year ago Levi Samuel went to be with Jesus forever. We all remember that day so clearly and wish that Levi would've stayed with us on earth, but God decided to take him home. We all miss him so much but we will be re-united with our precious baby in heaven someday.

March, Trey (brother) turned 8 years old. We thanked God that he brought him to our family through adoption. We always have fun time celebrating birthdays in my family. It is always such a wonderful fun time. Trey is another best brother that I could ever have. He is so full of energy and he hopes to become a carpenter or hopes to go to be a soldier just like his uncle.

May, We started our own family ministry. My family went to abortion clinic that is about 20 minutes away from where we live. It was such a sad and dull moment for all of us to watch mothers go inside the building and kill their precious baby and fathers did not care and would not protect their son or daughter.

June, The day before my 18th birthday my parents told all of my siblings that my mommy was pregnant. I was so happy to hear an announcement and it was the best birthday present I could have ever asked for. It was so exciting to hear the news of a new baby that will joining my family.

July, Jacob (brother) turned 6 years old and it was also my dad's birthday. For dinner he picked lasagna, salad, and bruschetta with garlic bread and some yummie cookies. He received lots and lots of attention from his family. We also thanked God that he came to join our family forever. Jake was brought in our family through the gift of adoption. Jacob is such a sweet, ongoing, full of enery and another awesome brother that I could have with me! I am so thankful for him.

September, Kaitlyn (sister) turned 11 years old and we found out the gender of our baby. Kaitlyn loves to sing, and put on plays and direct them. I can not believe she is 11 and in two years she will be a teenager! It is very hard to believe. Kaitlyn had penne and alfredo sauce for dinner and I made some brownies for her. My dad said a special prayer for her. It was such fun day to celebrate just her. On the day after her birthday it was another exciting day for my crew. My parents together to the dr. appointment for the BIG ultrasound and to find out the gender of the baby. It did not take them very long and my mom came home from the ultrasound. That night we had a scavenger hunt for clues. It was so much fun. The last envelope we opened told the gender of the baby and it was a GIRL!!!!!!

October, Julia and Ellie (sisters) turned 5 and 3 within a day a part. It was so fun to celebrate these sisters together. Julia is our miracle baby, because when she was born she had her unbalical cord wrapped around her neck. After the dr. cut it she did not make a sound. It was a scarry moment for all of us. We are just thankful that God spared her life. Julia is such a sweet little girl that loves to play outside and loves to get muddy. Ellie is just as cute as can be. She loves babies and baby dolls. It was such a joyous time to see them grow together. They are becoming such young ladies of God. They both picked their special dinner and Kaitlyn and I made some dessert for them. We thanked God for both of them.

December, Judah (brother) turned 2. My mom and dad celebrated their 12th Anniversary. Our church threw a small party for them and my parents were surprised. Of course all of us knew ahead. This year we had a White Christmas in Charlotte, N.C. My family celebrated Christmas together. We had a great time together and remembering Jesus' Birth. I made special breakfast casserole that we only make on special occasions and had great yummy dinner. The whole day was awesome and super fun! The day after Christmas we had another special day. We went out to play in the snow and came inside to celebrate Judah. Judah loves snow!! My dad made yummy Turkey Soup for lunch and it was delicious. We still have to make Judah's favorite dinner which is Spaghetti. Judah loves to sing, play with his blocks, wrestle with daddy and with his 3 brothers and he likes to cuddle. We are thankful for each and every day!

2010 has been full of blessings and trials for my family. Some things were hard and some things were full of blessings. I hope the year of 2010 has been wonderful.

I am ready to start new adventures, new beginning, new memories, and new blessings from God this year. I am looking forward to the birth of my new sister that is due next month. Blessings to all of you!


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